Thursday, March 27, 2014

Representative "Democrazy": Take It or Leave It

Have you ever thought to yourself, "Does my vote really even matter? Does it even count?"
Well, it kind of does. Kind of, but mostly does not. Why is this? You may hear from time to time people say that the United States of America is a pure democracy. This is not completely accurate-- we are actually a representative democracy, which means we elect people who would "represent" the public as a whole. We vote for them, then they decide every thing for us because they would reflect most of the public's aspirations, dreams, thoughts, and feelings... at least in theory they should but often that is a luck of the draw. Considering most of the public that votes is older, higher class and white, it will reflect mainly their's rather than what everyone feels, which in a way that is our own fault for not taking the time to vote.
But besides that, I personally would prefer a different type of democracy, one where we can choose everything ourselves and each vote is one count. Not towards a representative, but us choosing and doing our own research of everything. I realize most of the public isn't politically educated, which is fine, if we implement some sort of easy education that would sort each issue into categories and list who stands for what and the intent/consequences of each. This way each voice is heard rather than bunching up the entire public into one large group and assuming they all think the same way. In that way the vote actually DOES count and doesn't die in vain.
You can call me "democrazy", but maybe I dream a little too big of change. Take it or leave it.

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