It is a well known fact that many girls (and guys) have trouble with body image. Where this originally stems from could be a variety of things, but Nickolay Lamm suggests we should start with the dolls little girls play with saying, "Average is beautiful".
"Meet Lammily, a toy doll with realistic proportions", is about Nickolay Lamm redefining the image of Barbie and high fashion dolls. He took the average measurements from the "average" 19-year-old girl listed on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and created a 3D model out of it as a statement against what is defined as beautiful and ideal. The feedback and support has been amazing for Lamm's project and if you wanted to get one yourself, you may have to jump in line! They ship out in November!
Now, do toy dolls really affect how children see body image? I would say so. Even if this margin is very small, the slightest change is a great one. Lamm speaks out to children and parents alike in this like it a sort of movement in his video clip supplied on Salon using a sense of emotion in the music and a little bit of diction to get through. He ends his video saying, "Toy giants aren't going to be changing their designs anytime soon. Rather than waiting for change to happen, let's be the change..." Definitely a change I would like to see happen because no one should define their self-worth based on something society calls "beautiful". Like Lamm said, average is beautiful.
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