Thursday, February 20, 2014

ObamaCare + FoxNews = Does It Really Need Saying?

Today, February 20, 2014, Doug McKelway of posted an article about healthcare called "Democrats Defensive as CBO Projects Job Loss from ObamaCare, Minimum-wage Hike" that was clearly geared towards a Republican audience in just the title itself. According to the article and video, ObamaCare's impact on workforce may turn out to be a net negative. The video repeats this a few times, but never really explains HOW it would be a net negative-- just that "it will result" in one. The reporters say in the video that the freedom of choice may affect how Americans see the value of work. Let's think about this for a second. When does having independent healthcare affect American's view towards the value of work? Jason Furman in the article says, "This has to do with the choices the workers are making in the face of new options afforded to them... not something about firms destroying jobs." This is brushed off quickly in the video, however. The male reporter seems to disagree with the democrats' view that the "self-reliant, independent" American should be able to get health care without the workforce. I personally got the impression that he seemed to think that they are freeloaders or people not willing to work. He basically says that because of the sacrifice others, they are able to gain their healthcare. Overall, I don't agree with this argument. It lacks real substance because they are not stating any sources or statistics of any sort of facts to show where they got their original information (logic) from. It is more based on assumptions than anything for all we know. Furthermore, Fox fails to describe any real reason on how or why this would be the net negative he is claiming that will potentially result in job loss from ObamaCare. All in all, a weak argument with no real solution provided, but I almost expected this in the first place.

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