Thursday, April 10, 2014

RE: "Blog Bless America": U.S. National Government

Jocelyn Puga, author of the blog "Blog Bless America", writes that a problem we have with our national government is with "transparency" because the government hides so much information from the public and that our President needs to "show that he is the right choice". I agree completely with these statements because the government spies on us yet won't let us know any information about the shady things they are conducting that will affect us and our liberties. The President is supposed to be like our daddy, protecting us from the evils of the world. In this case, we are dependent on our President to bring a stop to the unfair practices the government is going about. Unfortunately, it seems like this isn't going to happen any time soon, but hopefully it will. President Obama needs to hear what the American people are saying. It is just like Jocelyn said, the President needs to show that he is the right choice.

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